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What you need to know about concealed carry classes in Minnesota
If you are thinking about getting a permit to carry a firearm in Minnesota, there are a few things you need to know.
- Firearms can be intimidating or even scary to those who aren’t used to being around them or using them.
- You must be at least 21 years of age
- You must NOT be prohibited from possessing a firearm under Minnesota Statute 624.714
- Must not be listed in the criminal gang investigation system
- Must be a resident of the county from which you are requesting a permit, if you reside in Minnesota. Non-residents may apply to any Minnesota county sheriff.
- The link below has very straightforward inromation that everyone should read before going through the process of getting a conceal carry permit in Minnesota
Now that you have read the article above, and you are sure you want to get a concealed carry permit in Minnesota, here are some commonly asked questions about getting a CCW permit in Minnesota.
Do I have to be a Minnesota State Resident to Apply?
- For Wisconsin residents: No, a permit to carry can be issued to both Minnesota residents and nonresidents.
- Here is an extensive list of FAQ about Minnesota concealed carry permits: https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/bca/bca-divisions/administrative/Pages/Permit-to-Carry-FAQ.aspx
Can I apply for a Permit to carry if I am not a U.S. Citizen but have Permanent Resident Status in the United States?
- Yes, when you apply you will need to provide the sheriff with your I-551 or I-151 card, whichever one you have been issued.
What is the Application Fee for the Minnesota State CCW permit?
- The fee for a new permit to carry will be determined by the county sheriff, not to exceed $100. A fee for a renewal permit (applied for before the expiration date of a current permit to carry) will be determined by the county sheriff, not to exceed $75. An additional $10.00 fee will be charged for those applying for a renewal after the expiration date on the previous permit, but within 30 days of that expiration date.
What is the Renewal Fee?
- The fee for a new permit to carry will be determined by the county sheriff, not to exceed $100. A fee for a renewal permit (applied for before the expiration date of a current permit to carry) will be determined by the county sheriff, not to exceed $75. An additional $10.00 fee will be charged for those applying for a renewal after the expiration date on the previous permit, but within 30 days of that expiration date.
How Long Does it Take to Get the Permit After my Application has been Submitted?
- 30 Days.
- The fee for a new permit to carry will be determined by the county sheriff, not to exceed $100. A fee for a renewal permit (applied for before the expiration date of a current permit to carry) will be determined by the county sheriff, not to exceed $75. An additional $10.00 fee will be charged for those applying for a renewal after the expiration date on the previous permit, but within 30 days of that expiration date.
- Must provide certificate of completed authorized firearms training. Training by a certified instructor (like the ones at Buffalo Ridge Defense) must be completed within one year of an original or renewal application. (624.714, Subd. 2a)
- Must be at least 21 years of age
- Must complete an application form
- Must not be prohibited from possessing a firearm under Minnesota Statute 624.714
- Must not be listed in the criminal gang investigation system
- Must be a resident of the county from which you are requesting a permit, if you reside in Minnesota. Non-residents may apply to any Minnesota county sheriff.
How Long is my Minnesota Concealed Carry Permit Valid?
- New and renewal permits are valid for five (5) years from the date of issuance. Emergency permits are valid for 30 days.

Areas Served in Minnesota for permit to carry classes.
We host concealed carry classes in the following areas:
- Stillwater
- Lindstrom
For more information on concealed carry permit classes in Minnesota, contact us today.
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